Friday, 24 October 2014

Terrifying - The Religious Hate of The World Today

Terror has become a main emotion in today's world. From the terrorists acts to the hate crimes to the crimes just made from pure emotion. Terrified is today's answer to the simple question "How are you?".

A young man, a good man, with two loyal dogs and a beautiful son, had a dream to become a soldier. To fight for this country and die if he needs to. A young man, a single father, a happy soul has done just that, died for his country and we are all left shattered.

With broken hearts and unshed tears we stand up strong, but terrified. Terrified that a man standing guard at one of the busiest memorial sights in our nation has been shot, killed, mid day in the open in our capital city, on our soil!

A hate crime, a crime so filled with emotion its difficult to not get sucked in. This world is becoming a hate crime and its so very scary. Terrifying. What are we becoming when the words hate, crime, murder, terrorism, and pain are every day words used as often as hello and goodbye? How are we fighting this? How are we making it a better world?

I have my beliefs and I believe in God, I believe in Heaven, I believe in Hell. I believe in Good and Evil. I'm fighting this internal battle of what to do, how to feel, how to rely on my belief system when I think about not only the shooting taking that young soldiers life, but how the world will react to the shooters family, to his loved ones. I think about how people react to such hate. How we, in the name of God, commit our own hate crimes, our own terrorism, our own form of punishment and feel that it is ok to punish, play God, judge and create our own way of law because it is in Gods name.

I think about situations that scream truth, a  video showing a lover beaten to death in front of his gay lover by hateful believers because that is not Gods way. I think about a family being exiled from their congregation for standing up against the wrong, for preaching the goodness in their God, instead of producing hate that the congregation is pouring out. I think about a young mother being thrown out of her home for questioning the reactions, for wanting to get drunk on proper information instead of blindly believing what she is told.

I think about the "Religious People" of the world today and how they seem to be so far above everyone that they feel there is no hope for God to be strong enough to save the human race so they take it into their own hands. They make their own law and produce hate crimes for those that hate. They judge those that judge, they spit on those who wander, and interrogate those who question.

Its terrifying to think you are not even safe from terror or hate crimes in your religious community, God's people. I'm struggling to reach out to those that hate, that will judge, that will throw their own verdict on your soul if you do something, act some way, say anything that is out of their belief. That challenge them.

I think about the knee jerk reaction to ban a whole race, a whole country, and all its people because of one hate crime. Those close to me have posted, preached, and spoken out against Muslims or even any race, belief, religion, but their own because of this crime and I think, how ignorant, how hateful, how painful, and how sorry I am for those people to just take Gods name, twist it into such a ugly face, and force judgment on a whole race for the actions of the select few.

I believe in my God, my personal relationship with him, and I pray for his people that have taken his name upon their own. I pray for them to realize the error of their ways and I pray, hope, beg for them to try and get the words hate, terror, crime, pain out of the daily words and replenish this world into a happy, blessed, welcoming and non judging world. I pray hard for Gods people to return to their good God, and stop making God to be such a terrifying character.

Terrifying is todays word and that breaks my heart, shatters my world, and kills my hope. It hasn't broken my soul, and I will rebuild. We will rebuild. We will make this place we live in, this earth we live on, these times we hold to be a better, happier, loving place. Terrifying will be a word of the past.

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