Thursday, 20 June 2013

Back in the Saddle of Fertility Treatments.

It’s been quite a while since I have updated. I haven’t had much news to share until now.

First off I will start with the small stuff. My dog, Cohen, had this obsession with chewing his foot. The vet and I decided that we should do some experimental stuff before jumping into the expensive stuff. First we did just a cone, after that his foot pussed like crazy and swelled up insane because he couldn’t get to it to chew it. Then we did the cone, a scrub to get rid of the puss and some antibiotics. After those didn’t work we went back to the vet and she advised us to try these anti itch anti inflammatory pills and keep cleaning the paw. She told us that if it didn’t work then we would have to do x-rays, knock him out, and do a biopsy to see whats going on cause it could very likely be cancer. We were pretty scared, cause as you know, our dogs are our babies, and we couldn’t imagine cohen not being around. Anyway… he is officially off the cone, almost done his prescription, has way more energy now, and does NOT chew his paw anymore!! YAY!!!

Now, last month, I felt pregnant, I was late to start my cycle, I was nauseous, dizzy, hungry, had all the same symptoms as last time. When my cycle came I was devastated and ready to give up trying for babies. Graham held me when I cried the morning it came, then called me at work later, after putting some serious thought in, to ask if I would be up to do a treatment at the fertility clinic again.

Graham usually just goes along with what I think we should do, unless he disagrees, but he usually does not ask me to do things like treatments, unless he strongly feels that this is what we should do.

I agreed so I started my prescription of Clomid, a triple dosage of the stuff, and 2 days ago we did the Intrauterine Insemination (IUI). When we did the IUI last time, it wasn’t even 48 hours later that I started feeling severe cramping and heavy bleeding, making the IUI fail, and my reaction was so rare the doctor had never seen it. This time however, I felt extreme pressure and cramping the first night, after a quick google search, I found that this is a really good sign, I guess it means that my body has ovulated more than the normal amount and that the procedure is starting to take its toll. It doesn’t mean it worked yet, and I wont know until the monthly is due to arrive, just like any other pregnancy, but my hopes are high.

We are really anxious, scared, nervous and excited to see if this treatment works and we are praying hard that God let this be our time!!

Please pray that this is our time and that we get a beautiful baby out of this experience, and we finally get to fulfill our dream of being parents.

Update soon with the news!!

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