The dreaded two week wait...
Day 1: The day after transfer. Wake up feeling hopeful, happy and ready. We both rubbed my little belly and said good morning to our little embabies and told them to stay tucked inside and hold on for dear life. Prayer, prayer, smiles and more prayer.
Day 2: Sleep... need sleep... the cramps are exhausting my legs are on fire. Can't exercise but need to move...
Day 4: This has been the longest two weeks of my life so far and it hasn't even been a week since transfer day. Got a call from the clinic that our other two embryos hadn't grown since day two of egg retrieval so they had nothing to freeze. I feel loss... even though they were just balls of cells I feel like we just lost 2 babies... holding on to hope for these two little ones inside of me. Praying they both stick and I get to see them both grow inside of me and be raised by me.
Day 7: Doubt has me getting up in the middle of the night checking for signs that this IVF has failed. All of the physical signs are pointing to me being pregnant but my mind is saying that I could not be and that these are just symptoms of the drugs. One more week to wait until we can know for sure. Praying very very hard.
Day 11: Wondering if I should take an HPT... Every blog I read, every post I read, every article says that the result of an HPT as at today should be accurate. My fear is if its negative... all that money, time, emotion, energy just flushed down the drain... its not even the money honestly.. who cares...we can always try again.. I have just been praying so hard and I feel like this is it so now I'm scared because my hopes are high... I tried to protect myself but everyone keeps telling me how excited they are for me, how they just know this is going to work... my guard is down and my hopes are up... PLEASE LET THIS WORK!!!
Day 12: IM PREGNANT!!!!!!! I peed on a stick and it turned positive right away.... I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!! THANK YOU GOD!!!! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!!
Day 14: One more sleep until Blood Work, 2 more sleeps until my pregnancy is confirmed and we go to our regular doctor. I am going to go to go buy baby stuff today haha. Just enough stuff to do our announcement... we're so freaking excited to start telling the world!! We have decided to announce to our families starting tomorrow or Saturday. I am having a hell of a time keeping this to myself!!
Day 15: Turns out this brewing up a baby thing is exhausting... I ended up going home and relaxing all night. Since I have my blood work to confirm the pregnancy after work I have decided to go get the stuff for the announcement tonight, we will probably even print the pictures tonight too to give to my family tomorrow. Its been hard to not tell people. My mom called me this morning to see how I am feeling and I just felt like responding "IM PREGNANT". I didn't though....
Day 16 - 18: The announcement turned out amazing... my dogs are such good sports!! We told our friends and families and everyone is very excited for us!!
Now time to wait for the first ultrasound and enjoy this pregnancy and start preparing for baby!!