Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Good things come to those who realize what they have

Good things come to those who wait, who work their asses off and who never give up. It seems though, the good thing may not be the thing you were hoping for, dreaming for.
The good thing may be something that blossoms out of pain, a flower in the ashes of your life. One day you’ll look around and dry your tears, you’ll see the damage, the silt, the destruction and you’ll find that one piece, that one thing that youll need to hold on to. You’ll sit in the dirt, holding on to that piece of your life and you’ll realize that even though this isn’t what you pictured, this is what you have, and you’re alive.
You’re alive!! If that’s all there is to celebrate than that’s a hell of  thing to celebrate. Dry your tears, take the picture frame of your life, with all its shattered glass, its broken pieces, and scratched faces, and find the good thing that came, that’s here. Get up, and realize how amazing your life has actually become.
Dreams are sometimes just dreams. Sometimes those dreams never become a reality, and sometimes they do but never in the way you pictured. When you look into your future you picture all these great things but never with the realization that something, somewhere, somehow those things might never happen.
The thing with suffering, working hard, and never getting the reward you pictured is you have this reality that maybe, perhaps, those dreams you have, that life you pictured, may never be more than a blissfull dream and a picture perfect…. Well picture.You may suffer, cry, laugh, hurt, be angry for the rest of your life, you may get shot down, hurt, pained over and over again. You don’t have control over some of the circumstances in your life but you do have control of how you handle it.
It may seem that everyone around you is getting everything you ever wanted but if you took a look, a deep thoughtful look, into their lives you’d realize that the painting of a life they have is just the background of the suffering they endure. They have fought, have had their dreams smashed, and have compromised, sacrificed, and crawled their way through their life and they may not even realize the good they have…
The grass is always greener on the other side yet you never realize that the grass on the other side is only greener because of the view you have… that amazing view from your perspective. Hold on to it. Hold on to you hope, and never ever tell yourself its giving up if you change your goals your dreams because again… dreams sometimes are just dreams… goals sometimes may never be reached.
Good things come to those who wait, fight for it, never give up, but realize the good things that are already here, that you already have, and take comfort in the fact that you have earned it, even though its not what you pictured