Happy Thursday everyone!! Only one more day then its TGIF!!
So im in a great mood today which is making me want to make you all laugh.
So today is “What Infertile People Say/What They Really Mean!”
What we say:
You better tell me the second you get pregnant
What we mean:
You better not get pregnant before me
What we say:
OMG im so happy for you! When are you due?
What we mean:
How long do I need to hide your pregnancy updates from my facebook
What we say:
Do you have names picked out?
What we mean:
You better not steal my name!
What we say:
No this infertility thing has brought us so much closer its almost a blessing
What we mean:
We hate this journey but hate your advice even more so im going to say something positive to shut you up.
What we say:
The great thing is we get to travel a lot and go on dates and spend time just the 2 of us
What we mean:
We need a vacation or alone time in order to get away from the doctors, the treatments, and the horrible horrible advice that everyone gives.
What we say:
Just be glad you didn’t have to pay thousands to get pregnant
What we mean:
You know my situation stop bitching about being pregnant to me!
What we say:
Im so glad you never had to go through the struggles of infertility
What we mean:
I feel so alone in this.
What we say:
No im fine really. That post wasn’t for me really. It was just for the other infertiles on the page
What we mean:
GO AWAY and let me talk to people who know what im talking about. I NEED TO VENT TOO!!
What we say:
Oh really? Yeah imagine if that 6 months were stretched into 3 years.
What we mean:
You have no idea how I feel. So it took you 6 months to conceive. Big Freakin Whoop. Try 3 years of endless heartbreak and trampled hopes. Then talk to me!
Feel free to add if you think of any! Great for a laugh for us infertiles!!!
Myleen Ring | Legal Assistant to Stephanie D. Whyte

McLeod Law LLP | Web
D 403 254 3691 | M 403 278 9411 | F403 271 1769
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